学术 advising is a process in which the student 和 the advisor work collaboratively to set individual objectives for the student’s college experience. 目标是否为获得学位, 证书, 转往其他机构, 或者只上几节课, 顾问将协助制定实现这一目标的计划.
Register for classes as a non-matriculated student (not enrolled in a degree or 证书 program). Registering as a non-matriculated student is a great way to get started or to complete coursework for transfer. 要了解GBCC目前提供的课程,请查看 安排页面 从列出的术语中选择. Once you have an idea of what course you’d like to take, contact the 建议 和 转移 Center.
*对于有先决条件的课程, 非入学学生必须提供课程先决条件证明. 这可能包括高中或大学成绩单,甚至是考试成绩.
过程 & 期待什么
Students who are new to 冰球突破豪华版试玩 (either first time in college or transferring from another institution) are required to schedule an appointment with an academic advisor in order to register for classes.
- When are you available to take classes: mornings, afternoons, evenings, online?
- How much time are you able to allot to attending class/completing assignments?
- 你打算多久毕业? 每学期你上的课越多,你就能越快完成.
- 熟悉你的专业的必修课程. 查看大学目录
During your first academic advising appointment your advisor will discuss the following:
- 你的长期目标.
- Will you be a full-time (12+ credits) or part-time (less than 12 credits) student?
- Appropriate first-semester courses according to your availability 和 placement.
- 各种课程形式,如面对面,远程,混合或100%在线.
- 学生对在线课程和/或远程课程的期望
- 如何 购买/租书 对于你的课程.
- 你未来学期的指导老师.
- 新生迎新.
The first part of the advising appointment is a one on one meeting between the student 和 the advisor. This portion of the advising appointment is the student’s first opportunity to make decisions regarding their future.
父母/Guardians are welcome to join the student for the second portion of the advising appointment—at the One Stop. The One Stop will go over payment deadlines, financial aid, 和 answer any other questions.
一旦有人成为大学生, their right to academic privacy is protected by the 家庭教育隐私权 Act (FERPA). This limits external access to a student’s academic record 和 information. 学生必须签署一份 FERPA释放 允许包括家长在内的所有第三方访问.
高中之间的差异 & 大学
在高中时 | 在大学 |
时间是由学校官员和家长安排的. | 学生管理自己的时间. |
Students can count on teachers to remind them of responsibilities 和 to guide them in setting priorities. | 学生平衡责任,自己设定优先顺序. |
每天的课程一个接一个,中间间隔几分钟. | Students often have large time gaps between classes; class time varies from day to day. |
大多数课程表都是由学校人员安排的. | Students arrange their own schedule in consultation with their academic counselor or advisor. |
学生们被告知毕业要求. | 毕业要求很复杂, 不同的程序和, 有时, 年复一年. 每个学生都应该知道那些适用于他/她的. |
底线学校人员注意 学生——必要时指导和纠正他们. | 底线学生应该对自己的行为负责 也不像他们的决定所带来的后果那样好. |
高中班级 | 大学课程 |
Students can normally get by with studying outside of class as little as 0 to 2 hours a week 和, 也许, 考试前死记硬背. | Students need to study at least 2 to 3 hours outside of class for each hour in class. A course load of 12 credits requires anywhere between 24 to 36 hours of independent study/homework time. |
Reading is often re-taught in class; listening in class is 有时 enough. | Students are assigned substantial amounts of reading 和 writing which may not be directly addressed in class, 但还是会在考试中出现. |
学生即使学习成绩不好也可以继续上学. | Students can be dropped from college because of poor academic performance. |
底线: Students are usually told in class what they need to learn from assigned readings. | 底线: It’s up to the students to read 和 underst和 the assigned material; lectures 和 assignments proceed from the assumption the 学生们已经这么做了. |
高中教师 | 大学教授 |
老师检查完成的作业. | 教授可能并不总是检查完成的作业, 但他们会假设学生可以在测试中完成相同的任务. |
老师提醒学生未完成的作业. | Professors expect 和 want the student to attend their scheduled office hours. |
老师在学生缺席的情况下为学生提供信息. | Professors expect students to get, from classmates, any notes from missed classes. |
Teachers present material to help students underst和 the material in the textbook. | 教授可能不会遵循教科书. 而不是, 他们可以使用其他材料来补充文本, or they may expect the students to relate the classes to the textbook readings. |
老师经常把信息写在黑板上作为笔记的总结. | Professors may lecture nonstop, expecting students to identify the important points in their notes. 好的笔记是必须的. |
Teachers impart knowledge 和 facts 有时 drawing direct connections to lead students through the thinking process. | Professors expect students to think about 和 synthesize seemingly unrelated topics on their own. |
老师经常花时间提醒学生作业和截止日期. | 教授希望学生阅读, 保存, 和 consult the course syllabus (outline); the syllabus spells out exactly what is expected of the student, 当作业到期时, 以及如何评分. |
底线在高中,学生主要学习事实 和技能. | 底线在大学里,学生们有责任思考和解决问题 运用他们所学到的知识. |
高中考试 | 大学考试 |
测试往往是频繁的,并且只覆盖少量的材料. | Testing is usually infrequent 和 may be cumulative, covering large amounts of material. The student, not the professor, needs to organize the material to prepare for the test. 一门特定的课程一个学期可能只有两到三次考试. |
通常可以进行补考. | Makeup tests are seldom an option; if they are, the student needs to request them. |
Teachers are open to rearranging test dates to avoid conflict with school events. | Professors in different courses usually schedule tests without regard to the dem和s of other courses or outside activities. |
指出最重要概念的复习环节是很常见的. | 教授很少提供复习课, 和, 当他们这么做的时候, 他们希望学生们带着问题来上课. |
底线精通可以被看作是一种能力 再现学生所学内容. | 底线掌握通常被看作是学生运用所学知识的能力 学会适应新情况或解决新问题了吗. |
高中成绩 | 大学成绩 |
大部分作业都有评分. | 可能不会为所有指定作业提供分数. |
额外的学分项目通常可以帮助你提高成绩. | Extra credit projects cannot, generally speaking, be used to raise a grade in a college course. |
Students may graduate as long as they pass all required courses with a grade of D or higher. | Students graduate only if their average in classes meets the departmental st和ard specified in the catalog. |
底线:努力很重要.课程通常是 奖励“善意的努力”.” | 底线结果很重要.” Though “good-faith effort” is important in regard to the professor’s willingness to help students achieve good results, 它不能代替评分过程中的结果. |
在高中时 | 在大湾社区大学 |
高中是强制性的,通常是免费的. | 大学课程由奖学金、贷款和/或自费支付. |
尽管学生的缺勤被记录下来, 学生旷课过多不会受到处罚. | 每个教员都有考勤制度. Students may be dropped from class due to violation of the attendance policy. |
学生可以在特定时间内增减课程. | 学生可以在特定时间内增减课程. 这个时间框架包括一个小窗口,其中收到全额退款. 在那之后,学生要负责课程的费用. |
底线学生不承担任何经济责任 课程安排的变化. | 底线:不注意考勤制度或加/退 约会可能是一个昂贵的教训. |
Extracted from the Altshuler Learning Enhancement Center at Southern Methodist University.
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星期五: 上午8时至下午4时